Busting Loose from the Writing Game

Just a couple months ago I read Robert Scheinfeld’s fantastic Busting Loose from the Money Game which opened me up to a completely different approach to metaphysics, law of attraction, and the realization of worldly dreams. Furthermore, it has proved itself to be the correct one for me. And while I have long wished to write about the gaps that seem to present themselves in every self help or manifesting method, and seek to fill those gaps, it’s really this book, this philosophy, this reality shattering understanding, that inspired me to write this blog in the first place.

I originally created this blog to provide value to those who have and haven’t read Robert Scheinfeld’s book and I believe that will still hold true, but this intention was misappropriately applied. The result ended up being watered-down articles that intentionally withheld information about the busting loose process in effort to cater to a wider audience that may see Scheinfeld’s assertions as too radical.

Quickly, doing this froze up my own creative process, since I found myself marginalizing the very real and very important Phase 2 journey into it’s own insulated category, scarcely referencing this inherently interconnected sequence of realizations in other articles and thus rendering all other advice to be useless, especially for those looking for more information about busting loose.

This is like reading a book to a classroom while intentionally not reading every fourth page and expecting those in the class to understand the story and receive value from it.

So from now on the focus of this blog will be the Phase 2 Journey, practical applications of the process, and every effort to help others bust loose while doing so myself. The subjects will still be as – if not more – wide ranging.

This is very exciting. In doing this I’ve busted loose from own writing game, and it is my intention that you will receive genuine value from all articles to come.

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