The Flawed Premise of Beliefs: Why Your Brain is Not a Closed System



The brain is a powerful tool, but we sometimes give it too much credit in the creation of our reality. Consider this quote:

“In this relationships book, Abraham* focuses the light of their Broader Perspective to reveal a wide array of flawed premises (which most of us are living by) relative to our varied relationships. And as you come upon those false-premise segments (“false,” relative to the natural Laws of the Universe), if you will superimpose Abraham’s perspective over your personal life experience (known only by you), and if you see room for improvement in your life, you will have the opportunity to shift your life—from as good as it is, right now, to whatever you perceive as a better-feeling experience.”

Flawed premises are really really important to understand, because your mind is somewhat of a closed system. I’ll get to the “somewhat” in a second.

Firstly, your brain is what’s interpreting the information around you, so if you are operating on a flawed premise, then you won’t be able to succeed at getting what you want. More importantly, you won’t be able to fix the thing that is causing you to not get what you want, because you won’t know it even exists.

There are so many examples of flawed premises. They generally translate to false beliefs and, to explain this in the law of attraction sense, this means that they have a lot of momentum. If you know that belief is just a thought that you keep thinking, then by the time a thought becomes a belief, it has a lot of momentum behind it (i.e. you have thought it a lot in your life.) If something has momentum you can’t immediately stop it. So, even if you do have the clarity to recognize a false belief, like “Money takes my hard work to create,” you won’t be able to just up and change your belief. This is because, to use an Abraham metaphor, you can’t immediately reverse the direction of a train travelling 100mph west so that it’s a train travelling 100mph east. Instead of reversing the direction, trying to force it the other way will only give it more power. Yes, you will inadvertently cause the train to travel faster. Not only that, but you will also inadvertenly give more power to other false premises like, “I can’t create my reality,” and, “I’m no good at this.”

Whew, this is a lot of doom and gloom. So now I get the part where your brain is “somewhat” a closed system. The thing that actually made Abraham the least accessible to me was the mythology behind it. The whole, “You are an extension of source energy who has come into this physical body to experience contrast,” business. But now I realize, at the risk of sounding like a zealot, that at least trying out believing this is really important.


I’m going to put my logic hat on. If it’s true that your physical body is an extension of source energy and well being is your natural state, then your beliefs are not a closed system. In fact, you are the only one who gives power to our beliefs, and that’s by practicing them. So that means you have the power, not your beliefs. Sure, the more you practice something the more that thing becomes second nature, but in every moment you have the power to think just a little bit differently. Not radically different, not different in the Apple corporate slogan sense, but differently enough that you can slow down that train.

If well being is your natural state, then well being is always slowing down the train. Well being is as all pervasive as gravity. Your beliefs do not have as much power as you think they do. Have you ever seen a movie you hated and then later saw it again and loved it? You experienced thinking something different. Have you ever eaten a food that tasted great and then later you didn’t like it? Did you ever realize that you could take a better route to work? You experienced thinking differently about something.

This doesn’t mean that different is better, but if you have the awareness to know that you are practicing a belief that you don’t want, then why not try a different tweak on the belief? Your emotional guidance system will let you know if you like it or not.

In the above quote Esther says, “If you will superimpose Abraham’s perspective over your life experience,” then you will have the opportunity to shift these false premises. Note that she doesn’t say “change”. Superimposing that perspective is what causes the train to slow down.

How do you do that? Think generally.

The more general you think about something, the slower the momentum becomes. Abraham’s perspective is more general, more flowing, and unconditionally loving. Move towards (not shift into) thoughts like that, even if they feel silly. Does it feel silly to say, “I am an extension of source energy?” Instead, what about, “I may not know everything there is to know about this,” and, “I’d like to think I’m an open minded person,” and certainly, “I like the idea of well being as my natural state.” Why?

If well being is your natural state, there’s nothing for you to do. You already are fine, perfect, loving, activated, and pure. You already are like a crystal blue sea in the Caribbean. You may not feel that way, but when you do, you are just muddying up the water temporarily. You are actually in an ocean like that all the time, but you are powerful. You are so powerful that you can feel cold and dark in the middle of a bright sunny day. Don’t you like knowing that? Sometimes I hate knowing that, but more and more as I practice this general perspective of the world (and sometimes revert back), I find those beliefs that I thought I’d take with me to my grave slowly slipping away.

There is so much work to be done, but the work is what we’re here to do. And, “work” is not really the word. Instead, let’s call it, your “purpose driven practice.” Ok, so it’s a work in progress.

What beliefs have you gained clarity on, but you still can’t shake? What false premises are you operating on?

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